The Christmas assembly at Delhi Public School Civil Lines Aligarh was conducted enthusiastically and joyfully. The assembly was beautifully organized by Ganga House students from classes III-VI and filled the day with delightful performances and activities. The assembly began with a warm welcome by the student of class V, who set a cheerful tone for the event. The stage was adorned with Christmas decorations, including a Christmas tree, bells, and stars, creating a festive atmosphere. The assembly started with a soulful prayer by Principal Madam, followed by a student sharing an inspiring Thought for the Day. The message highlighted the true essence of Christmas—sharing, caring, and spreading joy.
The school choir performed a medley of traditional Christmas carols such as Silent Night, Jingle Bells, and We Wish You a Merry Christmas. Their melodious performance filled the air with the spirit of Christmas.
The junior students from classes Prep- II presented a vibrant and energetic dance, celebrating the joy of the festive season. The audience cheered enthusiastically, adding to the excitement of the day. Our Principal Ms. Rajani Singh, addressed the gathering and shared a heartfelt message about the significance of Christmas. She encouraged everyone to embody the spirit of love, kindness, and gratitude daily. The highlight of the assembly was the arrival of Santa Claus, who spread cheer among the students. Santa distributed sweets and gifts, leaving everyone smiling and excited.
The assembly concluded with a vote of thanks expressing gratitude to the Principal, teachers, and students for their efforts in organizing the event.